Unlocking the Potential of Retail Media Networks: Our Comprehensive Solutions 

In the evolving landscape of digital advertising, Retail Media Networks (RMNs) are emerging as a pivotal force, especially in Southeast Asia.

These networks leverage first-party data to deliver highly targeted and personalized

 advertisements, making them more effective than traditional digital advertising methods like search and social media. RMNs offer brands the ability to reach customers at critical moments within the retail ecosystem, providing precise measurement of ad impact and return on investment (ROAS). This transformative approach is gaining traction as advertisers seek more efficient and consumer-centric strategies. 

At Scotwell, we are committed to leading this transformation by providing cutting-edge solutions that empower retailers and media owners to build successful RMNs. Our strategic partnerships with Doohlabs, ReceiptHero, and Admobilize equip us with a comprehensive suite of tools to achieve this goal. 

Understanding Retail Media Networks 

Retail Media Networks leverage in-store digital

displays and other mediatouchpoints to deliver targeted advertising to shoppers.

These networks offer retailers a new revenue stream by allowing brands to reach consumers at the point of purchase. By integrating advanced data analytics and audience measurement, RMNs can deliver highly personalized and effective ad campaigns. 

Our Solutions 

Doohlabs: Data Analytics and intelligent scheduling of targeted Ads 

Doohlabs’ platform is at the core of our RMN solution. It provides robust data analytics capabilities that allow retailers to gain deep insights into customer behavior. With this data, Doohlabs can deliver intelligently targeted ads that resonate with shoppers, enhancing their in-store experience and driving sales. The platform’s ability to analyze and act on data in real-time ensures that ads are always relevant and impactful. 

ReceiptHero: Better understand your business, Loyalty Integration, and ESG Compliance 

ReceiptHero brings valuable transaction data to the table, offering insights into purchasing patterns and customer preferences. By integrating ReceiptHero’s solution, retailers can leverage transaction data to inform their ad strategies on the Doohlabs platform. Additionally, ReceiptHero’s loyalty program capabilities enable retailers to engage customers more effectively, fostering loyalty and repeat business. 

Moreover, ReceiptHero supports retailers in their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives by promoting a paperless environment. By providing digital receipts, ReceiptHero helps retailers reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability. This transition to digital receipts not only aligns with global ESG standards but also enhances the retailer’s brand image as a responsible and sustainable business. 

The benefits of adopting ReceiptHero’s solution are multifaceted: 

    • Sustainability: Reduction in paper usage supports environmental conservation. 
    • Cost Savings: Lower costs associated with printing and managing paper receipts. 
    • Customer Convenience: Enhanced customer experience with easy access to digital receipts. 
    • Brand Loyalty: Strengthened customer relationships through seamless loyalty program integration. 

Admobilize: Audience Measurement for Enhanced Targeting 

Admobilize’s audience measurement solutions add an extra layer of data to our RMN strategy. By capturing demographic and behavioral data from in-store shoppers, Admobilize provides insights into who is viewing the ads and how they are interacting with them. This rich dataset allows Doohlabs’ platform to refine its targeting algorithms further, ensuring that ads are not only relevant but also timely and contextually appropriate. 

The Synergy of Our Solutions 

By combining the strengths of Doohlabs, ReceiptHero, and Admobilize, we offer a holistic solution for building and operating successful RMNs. Our integrated approach ensures that retailers can: 

    • Understand their customers deeply: Through advanced analytics and audience me
      asurement, retailers gain a 360-degree view of their shoppers.
    • Deliver personalized experiences: With transaction data and loyalty program insights, ads are tailored to individual preferences and purchase histories. 
    • Optimize ad performance: Real-time data and intelligent targeting ensure that ads are always effective and engaging. 
    • Enhance sustainability efforts: Digital receipts and reduced paper usage align with ESG goals, promoting a greener business model. 

The future of retail lies in the ability to connect with customers on a personal level, and Retail Media Networks are a powerful tool to achieve this. At Scotwell, we are dedicated to providing the solutions that make this possible.

 By partnering with Doohlabs, ReceiptHero, and Admobilize, we equip retailers with the insights and tools they need to transform their in-store experience and drive new revenue streams. Explore our solutions and discover how we can help you lead the way in the Retail Media Network revolution. 

For more information, visit the websites of our partners: 

Together, let’s unlock the full potential of your retail space. 

Doohlabs: Transforming In-Store Retail Media

Doohlabs is a leading platform designed to revolutionize in-store retail media by leveraging data-driven insights to create highly targeted advertising opportunities. Our partnership with Doohlabs enables us to provide retailers with comprehensive tools to maximize their in-store advertising potential and drive significant revenue growth. 

Key Features

 1. Data-Driven Audience Creation:

    • Doohlabs utilizes first-party data from retailers and relevant third-party data to create a detailed audience inventory. This inventory helps in forming precise target groups for advertisers, enhancing the effectiveness of in-store advertising campaigns​.

 2. Automated and Targeted Campaigns: 

    • The platform automates the creation and targeting of digital signage campaigns. This includes using brand creatives or automatically generated content for sponsored products, ensuring ads are displayed to the right audience at the right time and right place​​. 

3. Revenue Generation: 

    • Retailers can monetize their in-store audiences in multiple ways: 
      • Direct Sales and Self-Service: Trade partners can manage and traffic their campaigns via a self-service portal, enabling them to deliver omni-channel campaigns that sync with their broader marketing activities. 
      • Programmatic Advertising: The platform supports integration with programmatic marketplaces, allowing retailers to optimize their inventory usage and maximize advertising yield​. 

4. Comprehensive Digital Signage CMS: 

    • Doohlabs offers an enterprise-grade digital signage CMS that can work with existing digital signage setups. This CMS controls campaign scheduling and delivery, providing tools for managing and distributing content across various screens and locations​. 

5. Detail Campaign Reporting: 

    • The platform provides detailed reporting on campaign performance, including proof-of-play and audience impressions at the screen level. This helps retailers and advertisers measure the impact of their campaigns effectively​. 

Benefits for Retailers 

    • Enhanced Revenue Streams: By turning in-store digital screens into advertising platforms, retailers can generate significant new revenue from trade partners and external advertisers. 
    • Efficiency and Automation: The automated campaign management and targeting reduce the manual effort required, allowing for more efficient operations and quicker campaign rollouts. 
    • Scalability: The platform’s flexibility ensures it can adapt to various retail environments, whether they are starting fresh or integrating with existing digital signage systems​. 

Implementation and Support 

At Scotwell, we provide comprehensive support for implementing Doohlabs’ solutions, including business case advice, technical support, and continuous product development. Our customer success team ensures that retailers can maximize the potential of their in-store media networks​. 

Explore how Doohlabs and Scotwell can transform your in-store retail media strategy. Visit Doohlabs for more information, and contact us to see how we can help you lead the way in the retail media revolution. 

ReceiptHero – Build Brand Loyalty, Transform Your Retail Business to ESG Compliance & Sustainable

ReceiptHero offers a robust digital receipt solution that transforms traditional receipt management into an eco-friendly, efficient process. Here’s how ReceiptHero can benefit retailers and promote sustainability: 

Key Features and Benefits 

1. Digital Receipts: 

    • Efficiency: Streamlines receipt management, reducing the need for paper and physical storage. 
    • Customer Convenience: Provides easy access to receipts through digital channels.

2. Transaction Data and Insights: 

    • Analytics: Leverages transaction data to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. 

3. Loyalty Integration:

    • Enable retailers to engage customers more effectively, fostering brand loyalty and repeat business

4. ESG Compliance: 

    • Sustainability: Promotes a paperless environment, significantly reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional paper receipts. 
    • Brand Image: Aligns with global ESG standards, enhancing the retailer’s reputation as a responsible and sustainable business. 

How ReceiptHero Enhances Sustainability 

By adopting ReceiptHero, retailers can: 

    • Reduce Paper Waste: Eliminating paper receipts helps conserve natural resources and reduces waste. 
    • Lower Carbon Footprint: Digital receipts contribute to overall carbon footprint reduction, supporting environmental sustainability initiatives. 
    • Boost ESG Compliance: Aligns with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, promoting a greener and more sustainable business model. 

We are proud to be their regional partner, ensures seamless delivery and implementation of ReceiptHero’s solutions for local customers. Our expert team provides comprehensive support to integrate and optimize these digital solutions, helping retailers achieve efficiency and sustainability. 

Explore how ReceiptHero and Scotwell can transform your retail operations into a more sustainable and efficient model. Visit ReceiptHero for more information, and contact us to get started on your sustainability journey. 

AdMobilize: a Comprehensive Audience Measurements Solution

AdMobilize provides cutting-edge audience measurement and analytics solutions designed to optimize retail advertising and enhance customer engagement. Here’s how AdMobilize can benefit your retail business: 

Key Features and Benefits 

1. Audience Measurement: 

    • People Counting: Utilizes advanced computer vision technology to accurately count and analyse foot traffic, providing insights into customer behaviour and demographics. 
    • Real-Time Data: Delivers real-time metrics on audience engagement, helping retailers understand how customers interact with their displays and in-store advertisements​. 

2. Traffic Measurement: 

    • Vehicle Counting: Monitors vehicular traffic around retail locations, offering data on the number of vehicles, traffic patterns, and exposure to outdoor advertisements. This data helps in optimizing outdoor advertising strategies​. 

3. Mobile Data: 

    • Mobile Audience Insights: Gathers data from mobile devices to provide detailed audience profiling, including demographics, interests, and visit frequency. This data is fully GDPR-compliant and helps in creating highly targeted advertising campaigns​​. 

4. Customizable Dashboards and Integrations: 

    • Dashboard Access: Offers a user-friendly dashboard for real-time performance tracking and detailed analytics. 
    • Integration with CMS and SSPs: Seamlessly integrates with content management systems (CMS) and supply-side platforms (SSPs), allowing for streamlined campaign management and programmatic advertising​. 

Benefits for Retailers 

    • Enhanced Campaign Effectiveness: By utilizing precise audience and traffic data, retailers can create more effective and engaging advertising campaigns. 
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Real-time analytics and comprehensive reporting provide valuable insights for optimizing marketing strategies. 
    • Increased Revenue: Accurate audience measurement and targeted advertising help maximize the return on investment (ROI) from advertising expenditures​. 

Scotwell, as the regional partner, ensures the seamless delivery and implementation of AdMobilize solutions for local retailers. Our team provides comprehensive support, from initial setup to ongoing optimization, helping retailers harness the full potential of advanced analytics and audience measurement technologies. 

Explore how AdMobilize and Scotwell can transform your retail advertising strategy. Visit AdMobilize for more information, and contact us to get started on enhancing your in-store and outdoor advertising efforts.